Deer Head Sign

Sometimes I have a debate inside my head whether I should buy something or make it. Do you do that too? I have seen a variety of signs similar to this one in stores for a while now, but couldn’t bring myself to buy any of them. I came across this metal deer last week and always have scraps of wood in the garage so I decided it was a “sign” to make a Deer Head Sign.


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Magic Reindeer Food (and printable tags)

I love starting new holiday traditions, especially ones the kids are excited about and don’t take a lot of effort. Really, it’s the little things the kids will remember and that make holidays special. We made Magic Reindeer Food about 15 years ago for the first time and it quickly became one of the kids favorite things to do on Christmas Eve. Just a little sprinkle on the lawn helps the reindeer find their way to your home.


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Christmas Bucket List Printable

December can be such a busy month with things we have to do but I think it’s also important to make room for the things that help us feel the spirit of Christmas. I try to slow down a little and enjoy the season while doing things that will bring our family closer together and create beautiful memories. I created this Christmas Bucket List with ideas that will help bring the spirit of Christmas into your home while enjoying time with your family and friends.

Christmas Bucket List printable


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Santa Key

I made our first Santa Key about 20 years ago. We didn’t have a chimney or fire place and the kids started asking how Santa got into the house to put presents under the Christmas tree and fill the stockings. I told them we had a special key that only he could use to get into the house and that it wouldn’t work for anyone else. Then I had to come up with a key to show them. The first key we had was very simple, it was just and old key on a ribbon. A few years later I made this one a little more special with glitter and a tag.


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Franken Popcorn Box with Franken Popcorn

I’m happy to be participating in Laura Kelly‘s Halloween Popcorn Box Party again this year. Here is my Batty Popcorn Box from last year if you’d like to take a look. We were each sent a popcorn box and various supplies from some great sponsors to create these boxes. I decided to make mine simple this year and create this Franken Popcorn Box and Franken Popcorn. It would be a fun craft to make at a Halloween party or to give as a party favor filled with this delicious popcorn treat.


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Reindeer Jars

I like giving gifts in mason jars. It’s a fun way to give an inexpensive gift and make it look like more thought was put into it. If you have a friend or teacher who loves chocolate these Reindeer Jars might be the perfect gift for them. They would be a fun gift for a gift exchange, party favor, or your child’s friend. These can also be whipped up in no time for a last minute gift.


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Homemade Caramels

One of my favorite things to give and receive at Christmas time is homemade treats. I feel like the whole month of December I’m baking and taking treats to friends and neighbors. I mean, who doesn’t love opening the door to a plate of goodies? This is a quick and easy Homemade Caramels recipe that tastes like you spent hours making it, but guess what? It’s made in the microwave and only takes a few minutes.


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How to Find Your Christmas Decorating Style

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hobby Lobby. The opinions and text are all mine.

Do you pull out the Christmas decorations every year thinking why do I have such a hodgepodge of stuff? How do I make it all work together? There’s nothing wrong with combining styles and displaying memories but you should do it in an intentional manner so your home reflects how you celebrate the season. One of the best ways to Find Your Christmas Decorating Style is to ask yourself these questions: What does Christmas mean to me? What memories does it hold? What new traditions do I want to bring into our celebration? How is my home already decorated?


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Washi Tape Tree

You know that huge supply of washi tape you have? It’s not just me, right? Here’s a fast and easy Christmas craft that everyone can make and you’ll be able to actually use some of that washi tape you’ve been hoarding. This Washi Tape Tree would be fun to make for party favors or have the kids make them for a cute decoration. If your kids like to decorate their rooms for Christmas, this would be a fun addition.


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Christmas Mantel Ideas

My favorite thing to decorate for any holiday or season is the mantel. We stick to a pretty strict budget for Christmas but I always put aside a small amount for decorating. Even if we can’t purchase new items we can purchase supplies to make things. Since I know many of you are on a budget, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite Christmas Mantel Ideas and show you how to decorate inexpensively.


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