Glitter Candle Holders

Welcome to day 26 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I found these candle holders at Target at the end of Summer, on clearance for only .90 cents each. I love decorating with and using candle holders all year round but especially around the holidays. It seems like it’s the season for glitter at my house so I decided to add some sparkle and make Glitter Candle Holders. The colors I chose are going to be able to carry me from Halloween through New Years Day.

These Glitter Candle Holders are perfect for the holidays or any special occasion. Make them in under 15 minute

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LEGO Flash Drive

Welcome to day 25 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

We have so many LEGO blocks in our house that we could almost build another house with them. I figured since there were so many of them my boys wouldn’t notice if I borrowed a few for a project. I’ve been trying to think of small gifts and stocking stuffers my kids would like to receive and this LEGO Flash Drive would be the perfect gift for my LEGO loving teens.

Lego Flash Drive

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Twig Stars

Welcome to day 24 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Crafts.

I love making things from nature especially because of the low or no cost. I also think bringing nature in adds a cozy and relaxed feeling to my home. I appreciate the nature surrounding me, so why not bring it in and be able to enjoy it even more. I wanted to make Twig Stars last year but wasn’t able to get it done so I made sure I put it as a craft priority this year. My kids love them so it’s the perfect project to get them involved in.

Make natural twig stars to add to your Christmas decor

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Metal and Leather Earrings

Welcome to day 23 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I hope you are enjoying the diversity of all the projects. I am trying to make several different types of projects so you can find at least a couple things you like and want to make for yourself. Try making these Metal and Leather Earrings. Affiliate links may be included in this blog post for your convenience. Thank you for your support.

I love jewelry, especially earrings. I bought a scrap bag of leather a few weeks ago. It came with 3 different colors of leather: teal, brown, black. I love teal and tried to find a bag with the most in it. Of course that was the hardest color to find but I got enough. I have only made one other project with leather so this is another super simple leather craft, but I love how these Metal and Leather Earrings turned out.

Metal and Leather Earrings

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Reindeer Clothespin Ornaments

Welcome to day 22 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I have been working on so many 15 minute craft projects that my family and home is in holiday confusion. My daughter came home from school and asked why there was a mini Christmas tree in our living room. It’s never to early to start on Christmas projects especially since these Reindeer Clothespin Ornaments only take 15 minutes to make. Who can resist mini reindeer? Obviously I can’t!

Reindeer Clothespin Ornaments

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“31” Halloween Mantel

Halloween and Christmas are tied as my favorite holidays to decorate for. It could be all the black and white. I’m pretty crazy for anything black and white so when I have free reign to decorate with it, I’m happy. I had to add a bit of orange to my decorating for Halloween. Here’s a look at my “31” Halloween Mantel this year.

31 Black and White Halloween Mantel

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Cookie Treat Bags

Welcome to day 21 of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

It’s the season for gift and treat giving so why not make the packaging special too. Between now and Christmas it seems like there is always a reason to give a little gift to a neighbor, teacher, church class, student, or friend. I like pretty packaging even if the gift is just a cookie or food gift. These Cookie Treat Bags are fast and easy to make because they start with a pre-cut bow. They can also be used for any kind of treat or little gift.

Cookie Treat Bags

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Decorative Clay Pots

Welcome to day 20 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

Fifteen minute crafts are fun! I like instant gratification so these projects have been a blast to work on and finish quickly. I hope you’ve been enjoying them too. I had a goal a few months ago to use up supplies I had in my craft room, things I’ve had for years. It was a use it or loose it goal! I’ve been able to use a lot of my supplies with these 15 minute craft projects so it’s been double the fun for me. I’ve had several small clay pots for a while so I decided to make Decorative Clay Pots today.

Decorative Clay Pots

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Washi Tape Tile Coasters

Welcome to day 19 of 31 days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

These Washi Tape Tile Coasters would make a great house warming or neighbor gift. Now is the perfect time to start thinking of and making Christmas gifts too. You could whip up a bunch of tile coaster sets in a couple hours since each set only takes about 15 minutes to make. Choose washi tape that coordinates with each individuals kitchen or home decor to make them more personal.

washi tape tile coasters

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Autumn Printables

Welcome to day 18 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I’m sure by now you all know how much I love Autumn, but I’m living in the desert now so it’s a little different. The weather is still warm, although this week is suppose to be in the 70’s, definitely Fall weather here. Luckily it’s not only the weather I love about Autumn, although I might head up to a local mountain to experience weather closer to the Fall crisp air I crave.

What I really love about Autumn is the beginning of the holiday season. Okay let’s be honest, I love any holiday but I especially love the memories we’ve created as a family around Thanksgiving and even Halloween, Christmas too but that comes later. Even though things are dying or starting to go to sleep for the Winter, Autumn feels like a new beginning to me. Maybe it’s just the change of the season, maybe it’s getting cozy with a blanket and a good book, or maybe it’s just because every season brings something special with it. I also like to organize and declutter my house in Fall, so that always makes me feel accomplished.

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