Preparing for the Holidays

I love the holidays but sometimes the days become so hectic leading up to it that I don’t take the time to enjoy the season. The last few years I have taken time to plan out our holiday celebrations ahead of time so I can enjoy them and that has made all the difference. I’m sure some of you feel the same way. I have asked a few of my Organizing Blogger Friends to share ways they are Preparing for the Holidays. I hope you will be able to use these ideas to help you have a relaxing holiday season.

Preparing for the Holidays is easy with ideas from some of the best Organizing Bloggers

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Homemade Ornaments: A Christmas Tradition

There is something about traditions that give me a sense of comfort and security. So many things in life change but holding onto traditions connects us with the past and future. When my husband and I were first married we started some of own traditions but also brought some with us from our separate families. One thing my parents always did was get each of us a new ornament every Christmas. It usually related to something we experienced that year. By the time we left home we had at least 18 ornaments to put on our own tree. I knew this was something I wanted to do with my own family. We’ve changed things a little over the years and now Homemade Ornaments have also become a Christmas Tradition.

Homemade Ornaments A Christmas Tradition

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12 Beautiful Natural Wreaths

I have a hard time in the Winter. The shortened days make me a bit sad and really affects my body, mind, and spirit. That’s why I like to spend a little time outside each day in the sunshine, and why I like to bring nature into my home. I made a large wreath for my front door a few years ago using things I gathered from around my home. That was it! I was hooked on beautifying my home with nature. I gathered some of my favorite Natural Wreaths in this post so you can try your hand at making them. Pick your favorite or since there’s 12 you can make one a month for the next year.

Learn to make a wreath using elements from nature There are 12 different techniques to choose from

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Natural Thanksgiving Mantel

How are we already 10 days into November? I have been so busy with other projects that I haven’t posted much lately. I’m hoping that will be changing this week. My desire is there, so let’s see if I can make it happen. We aren’t celebrating Thanksgiving at home this year but I felt like I had to decorate a little. I’m not ready for Christmas decorations so last week I pulled out the “pumpkin” tote and spread a few around the house. Of course the mantel was the first place I decorated. I came up with this Natural Thanksgiving Mantel in a few minutes, because as much as I wanted to decorate for Thanksgiving I wanted to keep it extremely simple.

Natural Thanksgiving Mantel

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20 Thanksgiving Table Centerpieces

Writing everyday in October really wiped me out! Thank you for letting me take a little break, because now I’m ready to share some fun ideas for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love the holiday season!

We aren’t going to be having Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year, but that’s not going to stop me from decorating the Thanksgiving tables. We will be having 2-3 tables and I have plenty of supplies on hand plus there are some things I would like to bring in from nature, so the cost will be very minimal. I’ve been looking through Pinterest, blogs, and magazines for inspiration and thought I would share my favorite Thanksgiving Table Centerpieces with you. We all need some inspiration, right?!

20 Thanksgiving Table Centerpieces

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Jingle Bell Tree

Welcome to day 31 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I can’t believe this is the last post in the series. It has been so fun sharing all these 15 minute craft projects with you. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have. If you missed any you can visit the 31 Days Main Page where all the projects are linked. Don’t forget to pin the ones you want to save for later.

Today I am sharing the Jingle Bell Tree. It’s super simple to make and has a big impact depending on the size of branch you use.

Jingle Bell Tree is perfect for Christmas but you could attach leaves for Thanksgiving, white pom poms for Winter, hearts for Valentines day, or flowers for Spring

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Simple Place Card

Welcome to day 30 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I haven’t shared a Simple Place Card yet and with the holidays coming up I thought I might share an idea to get you started. You know how I love decorating with clothespins so I thought why not incorporate them into my table setting. Place Cards are so simple but can add a special touch to your holiday table. Look for a Place Card series happening in the next couple weeks. I want to give you plenty of place card ideas and options to choose from.

Simple Clothespin and Leaf Place Card

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Decorative Paper Clips

Welcome to day 29 of 31 days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

I’m sorry I’m so late today, it’s been a rough one. I have a couple more hours in the day where I live so technically I’m still okay. Tomorrow’s post will be earlier in the day so you have more time to work on it if you like. Today we have a very simple craft that actually takes about 5 minutes. These Decorative Paper Clips are perfect in the office but are also great for book marks or even holding pictures on a ribbon board.

Decorative Paper Clips can be used in the office or as book marks

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Mini Washi Tape Flags

Welcome to day 28 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

Wow, I can’t believe the month is almost over. I have been having so much fun with these 15 minute crafts. I hope you are too. Since the holidays are coming I thought it would be the perfect time to share a fun way to add something extra to your party or get-together without spending much time or money. These Mini Washi Tape Flags add color and design to your party table.

Mini Washi Tape Flags are easy to make for any celebration

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Dry Erase Board

Welcome to day 27 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Craft Projects.

This project will take about 5 minutes. Everyone has 5 minutes, right? Not only is this Dry Erase Board easy but it’s also very useful. I love anything that looks nice and also helps me keep my family organized and connected.

DIY Dry Erase Board in only a few minutes. Use for notes, grocery lists, reminders, schedules and so on

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