31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

Welcome to Day 6 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing

Set your timer and get ready to get your Linen Closet organized and in tip top shape. If you feel you can’t get the whole closet in order in 15 minutes, set the timer and work on one shelf at a time. Depending on how big your closet is, it might take a little longer. As you can tell, my closet is very small.

15 minute organizing - linen closet -organize and decorate everything

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31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

Welcome to Day 5 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing

Today’s organizing challenge is super simple but will save you time from making multiple trips around the house distributing things to different rooms. You can use as many baskets, bins, or totes as you like, but if you have the space, one for each child works best. We are renting right now and short on space so the boys share one bin and our daughter gets a bin to herself. I have them by the stairs which is also by the back door. Since they slide under the bench you don’t really notice them.

Create Lost and Found Baskets

Create Lost and Found Baskets 31 Days of 15 Minute Oraganizing - Organize and Decorate Everything

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31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

Welcome to Day 4 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing

Today we’re going to work on organizing the medicine cabinet. I have 3 in my house but only one is actually used for medicine. Since I stay on top of mine pretty well I can organize them in only a few minutes.

15 minute organizing Medicine Cabinets

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31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

Welcome to Day 3 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing

Get your timer and donation bag ready for today’s challenge of organizing hanging clothes. You need to do this quickly and not think about each item for more than a second or two. There’s a stat that says we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. I’m not sure if it’s true but it does sound likely. Go through your hanging clothes looking at each piece of clothing and asking yourself a few questions.

1- Do I like this?
2- Do I wear this?
3- Do I look good in this?
4- Does it fit?
5- When was the last time I wore this?
6- Would I buy this again?

15 minute organizing hanging clothes - organize and decorate everything

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31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

Welcome to Day 2 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing

Are you ready to get your dresser drawers organized? Get that donation bag ready because I think you’re going to need it today. Now is the time to get rid of those old t-shirts and baggy shorts you haven’t worn for a couple years. If your drawers are overflowing you need to clear out those old clothes to make room for the ones that really belong there. Get your timer set for 15 minutes and get busy.

15 Minute Organizing Dresser Drawers

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31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

Welcome to Day 1 of 31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing.

We’re going to start with organizing some spaces in the bedroom. It seems like the master bedroom is always the last place to get decorated and organized. Starting here will hopefully give us the motivation we need to continue throughout the rest of the house. You don’t have to make big changes or spend a lot of time to be on your way to an organized home.

Bed Side Table Organizing

bed side table organizing

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31 Days of 15 Minute Organizing

Welcome to my 3rd 31 Days Series! This series will be focusing on 15 minute organizing. There never seems to be enough time in the day to get done what you need to do without adding even more to it. That’s why I want to focus on getting small spaces organized in only 15 minutes a day. You might not have an hour or 2 but I’m sure you can find 15 minutes a day to work on a space. By the end of this series you should be well on your way to an organized home and the motivation to continue.

31 days of 15 minute organizing 4

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DIY Spring Brunch Tablescape

Creating a tablescape for a Spring Brunch doesn’t have to be expensive. I’m sharing the steps to creating a beautiful DIY Spring Brunch Tablescape you’ll be proud of for a minimal cost. With all the DIY projects you’ve created, your guests will never know you were able to do it on such a small budget. You still have plenty of time to create this tablescape for Easter this year.

Make a beautiful DIY Spring Brunch Tablescape using a few inexpensive supplies

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Teaching Kids to Manage Money

I wrote a post about Teaching Kids about Finances a while back but I thought now would be a good time to discuss a few more ways you can teach kids to manage money and live financially smart lives. Let’s face it, finances isn’t one of those really easy things to discuss as a family. I didn’t really know much about my family’s finances growing up. I have a few suggestions for you to help children have a better understanding of finances at their age level and how it can be discussed easily in an everyday setting.

Don’t miss the Savings Goal Sheet towards the bottom of this post. Print it out for a fun way to help your kids track their savings. 

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You’ve Been Egged Printable

I used to have contributors to my blog and this post is from a few years ago, but it was the perfect time to bring it back to share with you. I love this adorable You’ve Been Egged printable by Sarah. I can’t wait to share this with my neighbors again this year! This is Sarah:

Hi everyone!

Remember last month, when I shared those mason jar labels and I said to be sure to check back next month for a super cute Easter printable? Well, that time has finally come!

You've Been Egged - a fun Free printable game to play with your neighbours and friends this Easter!

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