Decluttering in April

Spring always gives me the urge to declutter and organize my home and even more so this year. At the beginning of every month I post suggested items for you to declutter from your home. This has been such a great challenge to help everyone rid excess clutter from their lives. If you missed any of the challenges you can always go back and do them at any time. I’ll have them linked at the bottom of this post. Now it’s time to declutter in April!

Decluttering in April monthly decluttering series

This is the 10th month of our decluttering challenge. How are you doing with it? Hopefully these posts are the motivation to get you started and keep you going. If you’re anything like me it’s very satisfying to get rid of things you no longer want or need. I love the decluttering snowball.

Decluttering in April

Exercise Clothes – You know those exercise clothes you never wear? The ones at the bottom of your drawer. It’s time to get rid of them. Remember, if you’re not wearing something it’s just taking up space.

April declutter exercise clothes

Promo and Event T-Shirts – Do you have t-shirts that you would never wear in public but you just picked up because they were free? If they don’t fit or you don’t like them now’s the time to donate them to someone who would wear them.

April declutter t shirts

File Cabinet – I like to clean out the file cabinet at least once a year, usually after we file our taxes. Now is a great time to clean out each file folder and shred papers that aren’t needed anymore.

April declutter File Cabinet

Reusable Shopping Bags – Even reusable bags need to be tossed once there are tears or holes in the bags. I love using the reusable bags for everything from groceries to purchases at department stores but if they’re too worn it’s time to toss them.

April declutter reusable shopping bags

Clothes – You know those clothes you haven’t worn for 6-12 months? There’s nothing wrong with having less clothes and wearing the ones you have. It’s actually a really good feeling to know what you own is being worn and loved. It will also help you realize what colors and styles really suit you.

April declutter clothes

Small Appliances – What small appliances are you not using? Is there someone else who would benefit from them? Donate gently used items so others have the opportunity to use them.

April declutter small appliances

Dresser Drawers – Go through the dresser drawer by drawer. Take everything out of each drawer and decide if you’re going to keep it, toss it, or donate it. Return everything to the drawer that you are keeping then move onto the next drawer.

April declutter dresser drawers

Old Paint Supplies – It’s time to toss those hard and crusty paint brushes and rollers. Paint supplies don’t work as well as they should if they aren’t in good shape. And while you’re at it check the paint cans and dispose of old paint. Check your local government on how to dispose of paint properly.

Cell Phone Phonebook – I got a new phone and transferred my phone numbers to it. The only problem I had was that some of the numbers transferred, some didn’t and some were doubled for some reason. That was a good excuse to go through my phonebook and edit anything I needed to. 

April declutter cell phone

Winter Outerwear – Before you pack away the Winter outerwear donate anything that is not going to fit next year. Dispose of anything torn or too worn to donate. 

April declutter Winter clothes

Under Stairs Storage – How long has it been since you’ve cleaned out under the stairs. It had only been about 6 months for me but I was still able to find things to donate. Make sure when you store items that they are grouped together and labeled so you can find them easily. 

Entertainment Center – Spaces that are overcrowded make it hard to find what you need when you need it. Donate or toss any damaged DVDs, tapes, albums or any things that you no longer want. 

April declutter entertainment center

Remote Controls – If you have any remotes for electronics you no longer have toss them now. 

April declutter remote controls

Old Prescription Eyeglasses – Check with your local ophthalmologist to see where you can donate gently used prescription glasses. 

April declutter eyeglasses

Unused Exercise Equipment – If you haven’t used your exercise equipment for a while, now is the time to get rid of it. Make a commitment to use it this month or sell or give it to someone who will. 

Are you ready for a clutter free home? You have a whole month to complete this decluttering list. If you get done sooner you can always go back and complete the lists for July August September October  November December January February March

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Decluttering in April monthly decluttering challenge

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Jamie H April 7, 2020, 6:43 pm

    You are right. I have some clothes that haven’t worn for over a year and some of them are too small. I decided to recycle it. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  • Jamie H April 14, 2020, 2:20 am

    I haven’t edited my phonebook since I bought my I phone. There so many people that I don’t even remember who are they.

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