Decluttering in August

Last month I started a new decluttering challenge. At the beginning of every month there will be suggested things for you to declutter from your home. The best thing about this challenge is that we’re all working together for the end goal of ridding the clutter out of our lives. Since school is starting soon decluttering in August is going to be another easy challenge. If you miss any of the challenges you can always go back and do them at any time. I’ll have them linked at the bottom of the post. Now it’s time to declutter!

Decluttering in August monthly decluttering series

Decluttering in August

  • Games and Puzzles – Donate any games your kids have outgrown or haven’t played with for a year. Toss any games or puzzles that have missing pieces.

decluttering in august games and puzzles

  • Hangers – I have converted to space saving hangers. I like the way my clothes hang on them and they help my clothing stay evenly spaced in the closet. Whatever kind of hangers you decide to use stick with one kind so it’s easy to keep your closet neat and tidy. Toss any dry cleaning and department store hangers, better yet, don’t bring them home to begin with.

decluttering in august hangers

  • Dress-up Clothes – My kids loved playing dress-up but they even outgrow those clothes eventually. Donate or toss any clothing that is too small, torn or stained.

decluttering in august dress up clothes

  • Books – Any books your kids are to old for can be donated to friends, family or even the school library. If you have older children you can pass books down to your younger children.

decluttering in august books

  • Linens – I keep 2 sets of sheets and an extra blanket for each bed. I also have 2-3 bath towels for each person plus a couple extra for guests.

decluttering in august linens

  • Summer Clothing – The end of a season is a great time to go through clothing. Start with what you didn’t wear this whole Summer season and donate those clothes. Toss any clothing that is beyond repair. Give yourself a couple weeks to fix any clothing then toss what you haven’t fixed.

decluttering in august summer clothes

  • School Supplies – Old backpacks and lunch bags that are worn should be tossed, especially ones with frayed straps. Toss any school supplies that are not in working order then take inventory of what you have before you go shopping for more supplies.

decluttering in august school supplies

  • Sports Gear – Donate any sports gear that your kids have outgrown. Toss any gear that is beyond repair or too outdated.

decluttering in august sports gear

  • Back of Van/Trunk – The end of Summer is a good time to clean out the trunk or back of your car. Take out any items that are not supposed to be kept in the car. Now is a good time to fix anything that needs repair and take inventory of what you need.

decluttering in august back of car

  • Purses and Bags – Decide how many purses and bags are a good number for you and how much space you have to store them. Donate any gently used purses or bags so someone else can enjoy them.

decluttering in august purses and bags

  • Musical Instruments – Do you have instruments your kids have stopped playing? Donate the instruments or sell the ones that are in good working order.

decluttering in august musical instruments

  • Kids Hanging Clothes – You can quickly go through your kids hang up clothes. Toss any clothes that are stained or torn. Donate any clothes that are too small or that your kids won’t wear.

decluttering in august kids hanging clothes

  • First Aid Supplies – Gather your first aid supplies in one area. Take inventory of what you have and what supplies are expired. Once you’ve taken inventory you can purchase what’s needed to replenish your supplies.

decluttering in august first aid kit supplies

  • Video Games and DVDs – Donate or sell any video games your kids no longer play. Narrow down your DVD collection to ones you really watch. You can donate or sell the rest.

decluttering in august video games and DVDs

  • Phone Pictures – When was the last time you deleted pictures off your phone? It’s time to free up some space and delete duplicate photos and ones that aren’t up to the quality you want.

That’s it for August! That wasn’t too hard was it. I’ll have the new challenge up the beginning of September.

Pin it for later:

decluttering in August decluttering series

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{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Paige Cassandra Flamm August 2, 2019, 8:02 am

    We’ve been organizing like crazy the last few weeks! There is nothing more satisfying than having a nicely organized closet with some great baskets!

  • Michelle August 4, 2019, 6:47 pm

    I need to do this, too, especially in my daughter’s room. Thank you for the great tips! Very helpful!

  • Opshopper August 2, 2022, 2:42 am

    Don’t “toss” anything! DONATE! Please stop encouraging mindless waste in our landfill!

  • leanneja August 2, 2022, 10:10 am

    I only encourage tossing things that are broken beyond repair. Please don’t donate junk, the donation center will just toss it and it wastes their time.

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