This post could actually be titled – How Not to Paint on Canvas. I’m going to tell you everything I did wrong and how I would do it differently next time. I have to say that I’m surprised after everything I did wrong that I actually don’t mind how it turned out. I don’t hate it! In fact, it’s growing on me. Maybe it’s all the blood, sweat and tears I put into this Favorite Place Canvas (only partially kidding).

Our Favorite Place to Be Canvas

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Painted Tray Table

I’ve learned through the years that new things are nice but not always necessary. Why not take something that you already have and turn it into something you love again? I’ve had this tray table hanging around for a long time. It was in storage for a few years so it was either time to get rid of it or update it to fit better with my current decor. I love this Polka Dot Painted Tray Table now!

yellow polka dot tray table.1

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Tissue Paper Pom Flowers

I’m sure a lot of you already know how to make these, but whether you need a refresher course or you’ve never made them before I thought I would share how to make these Tissue Paper Pom Flowers. They’re inexpensive and easy to make which makes them the perfect decoration to add a lot of color to any party or celebration. Also very little supplies are needed, which is always a plus.

Tissue Paper Pom Flowers-easy decorating for parties

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Wheat Grass and Paper Flowers

Have you ever grown wheat grass? I’ve been wanting to grow it for years and finally did. You might not have time to grow it by Easter this year but it also makes a beautiful Spring display. I added paper flowers to the wheat grass but you could add anything Spring related. Of course, Easter eggs look great in the grass.

Wheat Grass and Bakers Twine Paper Flowers

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Glitter Easter Eggs

I haven’t glittered anything since Valentine’s day so Easter seemed like the perfect time to bring out the glitter again. These Glitter Easter Eggs are easy and very inexpensive to make, but I love the glittery glam they add to the Easter table and other decorations.

Glitter Easter Eggs for a glam Easter

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5 Easter Mantel Decorating Ideas

By the time Spring comes around I am so ready to give my house a little decorating face lift. What about you? Easter is the perfect time to bring in the fresh colors of Spring along with flowers, bunnies, eggs, nests, and even sheep. I’m sharing 5 Easter Mantel Decorating Ideas to help you with ideas to create a beautiful Easter mantel that represents the holiday and season to you.

5 Beautiful Easter Mantel Decorating Ideas

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In my case this post should actually be titled How to Stay Connected As a Family when your husband lives away from home because of work. I’m sharing 10 ideas that have worked for my family, if you’re in a similar situation I hope these will be helpful to you.  This post was originally written 4 years ago and while some things have changed we are pretty much back to where we were when I first wrote it. A few months after the original post we packed up our house and 3 kids still at home (we have 8 kids total) and moved to where my husband’s job was. It wasn’t an easy move, it took us over a year to sell our house so financially it was a struggle and as you can probably guess it was an emotional struggle as well. We were living together again though so that was good, but that was an adjustment too because I was used to doing things alone.

How to Stay Connected as a Family photo

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Easter Apothecary Jars

I saw some awesome apothecary jars on Martha Stewart and wanted to recreate them for Easter. I actually made these Easter Apothecary Jars several years ago and love displaying them every year.  It’s a simple project but I love the impact it has. You can display Easter candies or even small toys. I might make more this year with little bunnies or lambs in the jars.

Easter Apothecary Jars using items you have around the house

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20 DIY Spring Wreaths

I love hanging a beautiful wreath on my door to welcome guests and beautify my front porch. I’ve rounded up 20 of my favorite DIY Spring Wreaths to give you inspiration to create a beautiful wreath for your front door or even over a mantel or shelf. You might want to make a couple wreaths to add to the Spring decor throughout your house. Be creative and make them in different colors, shapes and sizes to add interest.

Easy and Beautiful DIY Spring Wreaths

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Garden Spring Mantel

Hi Friends! I’ve been gone for a while but am so happy to be back with you again. I’m just trying to figure out how to find balance with my health issues, new responsibilities, and blogging. I know we all have the same hours in a day but I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to accomplish all I need to within those hours. Wish me luck, but as I figure it out I’m going to make sure I find time to share my projects with you again. Let’s start with this Garden Spring Mantel with a slight nod to St. Patrick’s day.

Garden Spring Mantel with gold and green accents

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