Rope Mirror

I love being able to decorate my home the way I want without spending a lot of money. I had been wanting a rope mirror for a long time but couldn’t justify the expense. I knew I could make it cheaper and still have the look I was going for. I’m really happy with how it turned out.

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Drop Cloth Porch Curtains

I’ve been wanting to make drop cloth porch curtains for this side of my porch for a few years. Why does it take me so long to get around to some things? I love that I always have projects to do but I hate that it takes me so long to get to some of them. Anyway!

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Kid Packing List – Printable

We take a lot of 2-3 day trips during the Spring and Summer. With hubby working out of town it’s usually all we can squeeze in. It’s a lot of fun but the packing and unpacking can be taxing. My kids are old enough to pack for themselves but I was constantly having to remind them of everything to include. I finally got smart and made a kid packing list printable for them. I printed one out for each kid and placed it in a sheet protector, that way it can be used over and over again and wiped clean between trips. Just use a dry erase marker so it will wipe off easily.

Kid Packing List [click to continue…]


Easy Floral Centerpiece

I was at a new store a couple weeks ago and I really loved the simplicity and beauty of one of the centerpieces. I love fresh flowers and usually have them at least somewhere in my house, but keeping them fresh and looking great on the dinner table was a problem. I was having to change them too often. This easy floral centerpiece isn’t real but it looks pretty great and I don’t have to worry about changing it until I want too. The best part of this centerpiece is you need a variety of flowers and glass containers so you can just use what you have available.

Easy FLoral Centerpiece

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Magic Pillowcase Tutorial

I’ve been wanting to make fun pillows in bright colors and fun patterns for a while. I finally had an excuse to and couldn’t wait to share this magic pillowcase tutorial with you. I’m not much of a seamstress beyond sewing class in school and a few pillow covers and curtains for my home. It looks like it could be complicated but it’s actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

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Tic Tac Toe Game

We actually made this rock tic tac toe game a few years ago for Father’s Day. It sits on our front porch and still gets played a lot during the warmer months. When Ammon was younger he loved playing tic tac toe with his dad so I thought an outdoor version would be a fun idea. The best thing about this project is it cost $1 and a few pennies.

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Camping Fun Bucket List

We love camping as a family. There is something so relaxing and freeing just being in nature and being away from everyday responsibilities. The problem is there’s activities each one of us want to do but we have a hard time getting to all of them. So this time while planning our camping trip we decided to make a camping fun bucket list. We’re going to be staying at a campground and we know what activities are available so we based our bucket list on those activities.

camping fun bucket list [click to continue…]


Pom Pom Flowers

These Pom Pom Flowers are a fun addition to your Spring and Summer decor. They would also look cute in a girls bedroom year round. I choose to make mine in a variety of colors for Spring, but they would look beautiful in just one color or a couple colors to match your room’s decor.

Colorful Pom Pom Flowers are a fun addition to your Spring decor

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Candlestick Bird Houses

I remember years and years ago I had several birdhouses around my house. Times changed and trends changed so I got rid of them and moved on to something else. When I was thinking of how to decorate the front porch for Spring the thought of bird houses came back to me. I wanted to do something simple but with enough height to look in proportion with the decorations I already had, so I made these Candlestick Bird Houses.

Candlestick Bird Houses are the perfect Spring and Summer decor inside and out

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9 Creative Ways to give Gift Cards

Whoa, Teacher Appreciation Day and the end of the school year is sneaking up on me. What about you? I decided a few years ago that giving gift cards to my kids teachers was the way I wanted to go in the gift giving direction. Some people were like, really? To me it makes sense, at the beginning of the year they might need supplies, at Christmas a little something for themselves, and at the end of the year they can replenish their class room supplies or save it for themselves. I like that I’m giving them an option to choose how they want to spend their money. Gift card giving can be a little boring so I’m sharing 9 Creative Ways to give Gift Cards that teachers will love.

9 Creative Ways to give Gift Cards. These are perfect for Teacher Appreciation or any gift giving celebration

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