Quick Organizing Ideas

Quick Organizing Ideas you can accomplish in 1, 5, or 10 minutes at a time. These are great tasks if you only have small increments of time or your health doesn’t permit you to be active for long periods of time.

Quick Organizing Ideas

This is the fifth post in the Jump Start Organizing Series. Check out the other posts by clicking on each link:
Decluttering 101
Tidy Home in 30 Minutes
Start Small to Get Organized
Daily Organizing Habits

In previous posts we’ve talked about decluttering and quick and easy organizing tips and ideas. Some of you have wanted even more ideas for quick organizing tasks stating that you sometimes only have a minute or 2 to devote to organizing. Small organizing projects can also be stepping stones to larger projects. Here are some 1 minute, 5 minute, and 10 minute organizing ideas to get you started. I’m sure you’ll be able to think of more as you get these tasks completed.

Quick Organizing Ideas

1 Minute Organizing:

Put an envelope in your purse for receipts
Empty your car garbage bag
Decide whether to keep or donate a few items
Take expired medications out of the medicine cabinet
Look at your day planner to stay on schedule
Take out the garbage
Designate an In/Out spot

1 minute organizing ideas

5 Minute Organizing:

Sign child’s homework and permission slips
Clean out your wallet and file receipts
Schedule an appointment
Pick up 5 things and put them where they belong
Decide whether to keep or donate 5 items
Set a timer and go through your emails as fast as you can
Clean out old spices and check for expiration dates

5 minute organizing

10 Minute Organizing:

Empty and load the dishwasher
Clean out the junk drawer
Find 15 things to donate or toss
Sew on a button or two
Write a note to a friend or relative
Change the sheets on a bed
Clean out and organize under the kitchen sink

organizing 10 minutes

Once you have finished these quick organizing tasks you might find this 15 Minute Organizing Series helpful.

You can get a great sense of accomplishment completing several smaller tasks while whittling down your to-do list. Focus on your progress and not perfection as you get your spaces organized. Good luck in your organizing journey. Remember we’re all working on it together to make our homes more calm and comfortable.

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Quick Organizing ideas in minutes

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Entryway Organizing Ideas
Organizing Under the Kitchen Sink

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