Letting Go Of Clutter (part 2)

We talked about how Letting Go Of Clutter is a process in part 1. The time it takes to go through the process is different for every person and it won’t happen over night. What I get rid of might not be what you get rid of, but that’s okay because it’s up to the individual. There’s nothing wrong with owning things but sometimes we give to much meaning and value to them. By letting things go we are able to enjoy our time and other possessions more.

Letting Go Of Clutter part 2

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Letting Go of Clutter (part 1)

I wrote this many years ago for a Studio 5 segment. It was on the air but I can’t find the segment now, so I’ll just share the info in this post. I’m actually going to share the information in 2 posts because I think dealing with clutter can be a little overwhelming for some people. Letting go of clutter is a process, which means the time frame is different for everyone. If you struggle with clutter I hope this post will help you be able to find the meaning behind it and be able to let it go.

Letting Go Of Clutter.1

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How To Start Organizing Your Home

Effective ideas on How to Start Organizing Your Home for best results.

How to Start Organizing Your Home

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Wood Shim Sunburst Mirror

Make a Sunburst Mirror for only a few dollars using wood shims and a little paint.

Wood Shim Sunburst Mirror- make your own mirror for a fraction of the cost using wood shims from the hardware store

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Make the Most of Your Mornings

Try these tips and ideas to start your day off right and Make the Most of Your Mornings.

How to Make the Most of Your Mornings

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Tips to Keep Clutter Away

The best way to keep clutter out of your home is to never let it enter. That might be easier said than done but with practice it becomes easier. Obviously you can’t keep all clutter out so I am sharing my favorite Tips to Keep Clutter Away before it enters and once it’s in your home.

Tips to Keep Clutter Away from Your Home

It’s all pretty easy and just takes a little time to catch the bug and become a decluttering queen (or king). Don’t feel like you’re working alone on this, you are with most of the nation right now trying to rid the excess from their homes and lives.

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10 Back-to-School Ideas

It’s time to gear up for the kids to head back to school. I have gathered my favorite 10 Back-to-School Ideas to help you with everything from organizing school supplies to decorating your home.

10 Back to School Ideas by Organize and Decorate Everything

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Back to School Gift Bags for Kids

My youngest child graduated from high school in June. It’s weird to not be sending anyone to school although I do have 2 attending college in a couple weeks. I used to give my kids Back to School Gift Bags with a note of encouragement for a good school year. Use the list below to gather the supplies you need to make a back to school gift bag for your kids. Don’t forget to attach the free printable. It’s just a sweet little gift your kids are sure to appreciate and remember.

Back to School Gift Bags for kids

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Dorm Room Shower Caddy and Bathroom Essentials

Do you have a child heading off to college soon? I’m sure you’ve been enjoying Summer together but now it’s time to get serious about making sure your college student has everything they need to survive on their own in the dorm. When our daughter was heading off to college one of the first things we organized was her Dorm Room Shower Caddy and Bathroom Essentials. She went to college in a small town (there’s only one traffic light) and she didn’t have a car so we tried to get her stocked up for a few months.

Dorm Room Shower Caddy and Bathroom Essentials (a checklist) and organizing ideas

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Neighbor Gift Ideas with Printable Tags

Do you want to get to know your neighbors? I have some neighbor gift ideas with free printable tags to help you break the ice.

Neighbor Gift Ideas with Printable Tags

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