Make the Most of Your Mornings

Try these tips and ideas to start your day off right and Make the Most of Your Mornings.

How to Make the Most of Your Mornings

Make the Most of Your Mornings

I’m not a morning person so I’ve come up with ways to make my mornings more productive and therefore my day run smoother. If I do these things in the morning I find I get so much more accomplished in the morning and throughout the day. Try them and see if they work for you.

  • Prepare the Night Before – What can you do before you go to bed? Pick out your clothes for the next day, take a shower or bath in the evening, make your lunch, get all your supplies together and by the door for morning.
  • Get Enough Sleep – Nothing is worse than having to get up early on very little sleep. It can ruin your whole day. I’m a night owl so I set an alarm to remind myself to go to bed.
  • Get up 15 Minutes Earlier – Don’t hit snooze! Those extra 15 minutes can give you just the amount of time you need to not have to rush and be flustered at the start of your day.
  • Don’t check Your Phone, Email, or any Devices until you get to Work – Give yourself time to get ready for the day and enjoy your morning before the world creeps in. If you work from home don’t check any devices until you sit at your desk or wherever you work.
  • Make Your Bed – Make it first thing in the morning. It’s surprising what a difference making your bed can make in your day. I always know that if I don’t get much else accomplished, at least I know my bed got made. I give myself a pat on the back when I walk in my room and the bed’s made.
  • Get Dressed Immediately – The longer you lounge in your pajamas or sweats the harder it is to be productive. I don’t know about you but I’m still in slow-mo if I have my pajamas on.
  • Quiet Time, Prayer, Meditation – Whatever you need to do to reflect, gain insight, get guidance, focus on tasks, and visualize your day. Take a few minutes to get the peace and guidance you need to feel throughout your day. Those few minutes can make a huge positive influence on your day.
  • Eat Smart – Eat a good breakfast within a half hour/hour of getting up. Also make sure to start your day with a good sized glass of water, add lemon if you like.
  • Make a To-Do List – I actually do this the night before but some prefer to do it in the morning. It should only take a few minutes. Check your schedule and make your to-do list from it. Make sure not to over-schedule yourself.
  • Take a little Me Time – When my kids were younger I would always get up at least 15 minutes before them so I could have a little time to myself before the start of the day.
  • Make a Morning Play List – What music gets you going, motivates you, or relaxes you? Turn on the music but not the TV.
  • Don’t Forget Exercise – Make your way to the gym or just outside. Go for a walk, take a hike, run, walk the kids to school. It’s the perfect way to start your day and know that you already got your exercise for the day in.

What do you do in the morning to prepare for the day?

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Make the Most of Your Mornings

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