Printable Jar Labels – Printable Contributor

I might be a bit biased but these printable jar labels make my organizing heart go pitter-pat. Sarah is here again sharing an awesome printable with delicious colors. Now you have no excuse not to get that pantry organized, you just have to decide which color you love most. Here’s Sarah:

Hi again everyone! Welcome to another month of cute printables with me!

Last year, I set out to organize my pantry better. I decided to put all of my baking supplies, nuts, seeds, etc, into mason jars so it would be neater in my cupboards. While I transferred things, I taped little pieces of the old bags or boxes onto the jars until I could make labels. Fast forward a year, and my jars still have little scraps taped onto them. That ended today, however, when I created these cute labels that fit the lids of mason jars perfectly.

Organize your Pantry with Printable Mason Jar Labels in 8 Colors!

To organize your own pantry with these cute printable mason jar labels, all you need to do is download your copy from here. Choose the color you like, and print that page as many times as you need. If you print on sticker paper, it makes it really easy to print, cut, and stick! Otherwise, use double sided tape to stick them on. They are also 2″ wide, so if you have a 2″ hole punch, you’re really in luck! To keep them in good shape, cover them with something like contact paper. You can also use packing tape! Just put it on carefully and smooth out the bubbles. If you cover it with packing tape, you can also write the labels on with a wet erase marker (like vis-a-vis non-permanent markers) so that it’s interchangeable.

Organize your Pantry with Printable Mason Jar Labels in 8 Colors!

I created 8 different colors for you, so you can coordinate with your color scheme or pick the color that makes you smile! There is aqua, green, orange, yellow, red, brown, grey, and black for you to choose from – now how’s that for selection?!

Organize your Pantry with Printable Mason Jar Labels in 8 Colors!

Download your copy here!

Trust me, the mason jars really help keep your kitchen cupboards organized, and they’ll even look beautiful while they do it with these labels! Hope you enjoyed this months printable, and make sure you check back next month for a fun Easter one. I can’t wait to share it with you!

I have to second using mason jars to help keep your pantry organized. I use them in my pantry and baking cupboard. Thanks again Sarah and don’t forget to check out her blog, Becoming Martha, for more printables and great ideas.

{ 8 comments… add one }
  • Donna McBroom-Theriot February 21, 2014, 10:27 am

    I love these. Can you tell us the font that was used. I am unfamiliar with it and like it. Thanks

  • Jonie @ Just Between Friends February 21, 2014, 10:02 pm

    LOVE the pattern on them! It is all so stinking cute! Thanks for sharing the printable!

  • Sarah @ Becoming Martha February 23, 2014, 2:38 pm

    Hi Donna! I hope you see this – the font is Xiomara 🙂

  • Jesseca February 24, 2014, 8:08 am

    I love these! The pattern on those is amazing! I was just talking to my husband about reorganizing the pantry. These are really going to help out!

  • Alison C July 3, 2016, 12:50 pm

    Awesome! I can think of all kinds of great ways to use these.
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Dora Thomsan January 16, 2020, 2:47 am

    All the eight colours are good. The Jar label is very attractive. The labels can make your jar look better and can make things organised for you. Great labels!

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