Organize the Junk Drawer

Organize the Junk Drawer and keep it that way using these easy tips.

organize the junk drawer

Guess what question I get asked most about organizing the junk drawer? If you guessed “why” you would be right. Why organize a drawer that is used for random things and called a junk drawer? The goal is to find what you need in a couple seconds, so if it takes longer than that you’re wasting time. If you feel more comfortable calling it something other than a junk drawer then call it a miscellaneous drawer. Or think of another name rather than junk drawer if you like.

junk drawer laundry room

Let’s Organize the Junk Drawer!

Start by taking everything out of the drawer. Starting with an empty drawer is important to be able to visualize how much space you actually have. Place all the contents on the counter top to make it easy to declutter things quickly.

Wipe out the drawer. Use a damp cloth or disinfecting wipes to clean crumbs and stains out of the drawer while it’s empty. Starting with a clean drawer makes a huge difference and only takes a couple minutes.

Toss garbage and broken items. While you have everything out of the drawer go through and toss garbage and broken items. If you haven’t fixed the broken item yet you probably aren’t going too.

junk drawer clutter

Group similar items together. Make piles of similar items so you can see how much you have and what to put in containers or divided areas. It will also let you see how much space you need for those items.

Gather baskets and dividers for the drawer. Use baskets or dividers you already have if possible. You can recycle plastic containers or small gift boxes to hold items. If you need to purchase something measure the space and the items you need to store to make sure everything will fit.

The white baskets were purchased at the dollar store and come in a pack of 2 or 3.

junk drawer baskets

Put items back in the drawer. Only put items back in the drawer that really go there. Having a home for everything means you always know where it belongs and where it should be returned. Again, this saves valuable time when you need something.

The clear plastic organizer was purchased at IKEA for under $5.

junk drawer divided tray

Make it last. Nothing lasts forever but making an effort to stay organized makes a big difference. Revisit the junk drawer every 3-6 months to keep it organized while also garbage and clutter free.

Suggested Junk Drawer items:
super glue
small wrenches
tape measure
rubber bands
pens and pencils
post it notes
box cutter
stapler and staples
extra phone charger
battery powered light bulbs
first aid kit
heating pad

organized junk drawer

Of course, your items may vary but I’ve found these are the random items I use most and need them conveniently located. If you find you aren’t using certain items you can relocate them to another spot. Or if you find you keep reaching for something that isn’t there make sure to make space for it. Your junk drawer will be personalized for you and your family’s needs.

It usually takes under 15 minutes to organize the whole drawer which makes it a quick organizing project for when you don’t have much time to devote to a big project.

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