Easy Way to Clean Toys – 31 Days of Organizing and Cleaning Hacks

This post is part of the 31 Days of Organizing and Cleaning Hacks series. Click over to the main page to see all 31 posts (they will be added daily).

Fast and Easy Way to Clean Toys in the Dishwasher.

Easy Way to Clean Toys

Did you know I have 8 kids? While I don’t think having a lot of kids necessarily makes you an expert in everything, it does motivate you to find the fastest and easiest ways to do things. Disinfecting toys in the dishwasher for example. It’s easy for kids to pass germs to each other playing with the same toys, especially if one of them is feeling a little sick. Once they’re in bed gather the toys and give them a good wash.

Easy Way Clean Toys

There’s only a few things you have to take into consideration. Do not wash toys in the dishwasher that:
– are battery operated
– have fabric or soft material
– have moving parts
– are wooden
– water can seep in and ruin the toy

Place smaller toys on the upper rack and larger toys on the bottom rack. Very small toys can be placed in the cutlery baskets.

Clean Toys

Put the dishwasher on a light or gentle cycle and make sure the heated dry is off. You don’t want to accidentally melt any toys. You can also add a tiny bit of soap to the wash. I would recommend washing the toys every couple months or after an illness.

Lego bricks are really small so I would recommend washing them in a clothes washing machine. Place them in a netted bag and seal it closed. Then wash them in hot water on a regular cycle. Lay the bricks out to dry on a towel for a day or two, turning them to make sure water is out of all the nooks and crannies.

Come back again tomorrow for the next post in the 31 Days of Organizing and Cleaning Hacks.

31 Days of Organizing and Cleaning Hacks 18

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