Today is my youngest girl’s 12th Birthday! How did my youngest girl get to be 12? She just asked me this morning if she could wear some make-up now. Oh no, here we go!
Here’s a little peek into Emilee’s life. She competes in Scottish Dance and does very well. She just moved up to Novice. Here she is in the Traditional dance costume
and the National costume. I love to watch her dance. She’s always so happy and smiley! The Judges always comment on it too.
She enjoys being in plays and she’s been in quite a few at school. She was an Elf and a narrator in the Christmas play. (Emilee’s the tall one)
She also enjoys making things. She made a puppet and was in a Puppet Show at school. She likes to do arts and crafts with me too.
She started playing piano a few months ago and she’s doing very well. This was her first recital only 3 weeks after starting lessons. Her second recital is coming up in May.
She also got braces a few months ago. We were waiting for those last few baby teeth to come out. They didn’t want to cooperate so the dentist had to help them a little. Ouch!
Emilee loves playing with her nephews and she just started babysitting for kids around the neighborhood. She does a great job playing with them and keeping them happy, although Parker doesn’t look happy in this picture.
She spends a lot of time in the pool during the summer. Like, everyday! She’s the only one of my kids that gets tan quickly. Her siblings are so jealous. She also has the best hair. Her sisters are jealous of that one too.
We can’t keep her out of the water, especially when it’s above 100 degrees outside.
She enjoys hiking in our mountains
and on the red rocks of Southern Utah. She is so excited for her first Girls Camp this summer.
She loves her family and spending time with them, especially while on vacation.
And she wants to be a Princess. Not really, but she is the youngest girl, so she is treated like one a lot of the time.
I told you she won’t stay out of the water. She loves the Ocean and wishes she lived closer. Her and Zach are only 21 months apart in age and they have always been close. They used to call each other “Best Buddies”.
You can always count on her to go on a ride with you when no one else will, even if she screams her lungs out the whole time.
She’s a daredevil and will try anything that looks fun.
Look at that sweet face. She is so excited to turn 12 and start attending Young Women at Church. I’m excited too, since I get to be her leader. She also loves reading, writing stories, watching movies and riding her bike or scooter.
Happy Birthday Emmy! We Love You!
This post was so fun! I enjoyed learning more about her. I will miss seeing her in Primary. She is such a sweetie!
Happy Birthday to sweet Emilee!
Love you Emmy! Happy Birthday I can’t wait to see you tomorrow
Happy birthday Emmy. And you do have a sweet face.
happy birthday!