Favorite Cleaning Hacks

Having a clean and organized home is very important to me but this time of year can be very hectic. Here are some of my favorite cleaning hacks I use to get and keep my home sparkling clean before the holidays.

Favorite Cleaning Hacks

Favorite Cleaning Hacks

Dusting Spray

dusting spray favorite cleaning hacks

This dusting spray only has 4 ingredients and you probably already have everything you need in your pantry. If not, you need to have it anyway.

dusting spray

Combine ingredients in a spray bottle:
1 cup water
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 teaspoons olive oil
about 10 drops essential oil (add more or less for your preference)

wood dusting spray

The vinegar cuts through grease and grime and disinfects the surface. While the olive oil shines and protects the wood. It also helps repel dust longer. I usually use lemon essential oil because I love the fresh scent. But wild orange and lavender are other scents I also like to use.

Because oil and water don’t mix you will need to shake well before every use and several times as you are using the spray. Spray directly onto the wood surface then wipe with a clean micro fiber cloth.

Ceiling Fan cleaning

Ceiling fan favorite cleaning hacks

Want to know a great way to clean a ceiling fan without dust flying everywhere? A pillow case is the answer. Simply slip the pillowcase over each fan blade and rub off the dust as you’re slipping the case off. Just throw the pillow case in the washer and it’s as good as new. Fast, easy and less mess.

Mopping solution

mopping solution cleaning hacks

This mopping solution is only 3 ingredients but is very effective. The solution works really well on tile, linoleum, and laminate flooring. It keeps my floors clean and spot free. I use the solution in a mop that has a reservoir and spray attachment but it will work just as well with a bucket and mop.

spray mop cleaner

Combine ingredients in bottle or bucket:
2-3 tablespoons white vinegar
2 drops dish soap
2- 2 1/2 cups warm water

spray mop

The vinegar disinfects while the dish soap cuts through grease and grime. Because of the small amount it doesn’t leave a film after cleaning.

Lampshade cleaning

lampshade cleaning

What’s my secret to clean and dust free lampshades? A lint roller. A lint roller also works great on pillows, cushions, drapes and furniture. This is a chore you can easily pass on to kids. Just make sure you remind them to tear the used part off so they have a new sticky area to work with.

Mattress refresh

mattress refresh favorite cleaning hacks

Mattress covers are a good idea but I still clean our mattresses a few times a year. If you have guests coming for the holidays now would be a good time to give the mattresses a deep clean.

Take the mattress off the bed to vacuum the top of the box springs, sides, bed rails and other parts that are hard to get to with the mattress on. Wash the wall and baseboards behind the bed and vacuum under the bed. If your mattress can be flipped, vacuum the side of the mattress that is going to be down and put the mattress back in place. Some mattresses are not meant to be flipped so you can just skip that step.

mattress refresh

Use a sifter and sprinkle about 1 1/2 cups of baking soda on the top of the mattress. Then go do something else for an hour or start working on another mattress in the house. The baking soda helps draw any moisture out of the mattress, deodorizes it, and leaves it smelling fresh. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oils to the baking soda if you like.

After an hour or so use a vacuum attachment to vacuum up the baking soda and any other debris. Use an upholstery attachment for the top and the crevice attachment for the seams and sides of the mattress.

White spots on table removal

white spots on table cleaning

White spots on a wood table can be so unsightly. I first tried this solution over 20 years ago and was impressed with how well it worked. You might have to do it a couple times if your spots have been there for a while.

Take a hand towel, get it wet and ring it out and place it on top of the spot. I still keep it pretty wet but not dripping. Set the iron on the cotton setting and run it over the white area. Keep the iron moving for about 7 seconds, then lift the iron and cloth to check the spot. Use a little pressure while you’re ironing. The towel will be hot after ironing, so handle with care.

table spots

I had to re-wet the towel a few times. It works better when it’s wet. I’m amazed at how well it works.

What do you think of these cleaning hacks? Do you have favorite cleaning hacks that you swear by?

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6 Favorite Cleaning Hacks

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