Welcome to Day 11 of 31 Days of Getting Organized by Using What You Have.
I actually had this post scheduled for next week but I’ve been under the weather for a few days and it was mostly written so you’re getting it today. The first thing is to sort through your cords and get rid of the ones you don’t need anymore.
This is probably what most people’s cords look like which makes it hard to find the one you need.
I have an inexpensive and colorful storage solution for you. I saved TP rolls and used the colored duct tape and tote I already had on hand. You don’t have to decorate the rolls but I like to decorate everything, so I did.
The rolls are just about a 1/4 inch to long for 2 strips of the tape so I had to use 3 and cut off the excess. I left a 1/4 inch on each end so I could tuck it inside the tube.
I labeled the cords using a label maker and wrapping the labeled tape around the end of the cord. Then I tucked the cords in the TP rolls.
You could also label the out side of the rolls if you’d like. I keep it in the downstairs closet for easy access.
This project was originally posted November 2012.
See you tomorrow for the next post in the series 31 Days of Getting Organized by Using What You Have: Getting Organized With Cans
Brilliant !
Thanks for the project
Hope you feel much better soon,
Very smart! I’m definitely going to use this in my office!
You just solved my organizing problem for me. I was looking through your past post to see if you had already solved the messy cord problem that everyone has. You did. Thanks. I feel like I just cheated on test! You gave me the perfect answer! LOL