Teaching Children Gratitude

Four great ideas on Teaching Children Gratitude all year long.

Teaching Children about Gratitude

This time of year and especially around Thanksgiving we start thinking about how blessed we are and everything we have to be thankful for.  Our children are remembering what they’re thankful for too but sometimes aren’t sure how express their thankfulness, besides just saying thank you. 

Here are some ideas on teaching children gratitude.

Start a Gratitude Journal. I know a lot of you are probably already doing this but it works great for kids too. During the whole month of November have your children write in their journal everyday. If they’re too young to write, they could draw pictures of what they’re thankful for. It could be something as simple as someone smiling at them. I think this is a great way to teach them to be thankful for even the small things in their life. Have the kids make the journals and embellish them on the first day as a fun family project. After writing in their journals for a whole month it should be easy for them to continue.

Teaching Children Gratitude journal

Write Thank You notes. Have your children take ideas from their journal and write thank you notes to people on their list. It could be to a teacher for helping them understand a math problem or a coach for helping them win a match. It could even be to a sibling for not fighting that day or sharing a toy. Everyone loves to receive a thank you note and it could brighten someone else’s day. Don’t forget to remind your children to send thank you notes for gifts received also.

thank you cards

Participate in Daily Acts of Kindness. I used to have vinyl lettering on a mirror before we walk out the door that says “Kindness Begins with Me”. Hopefully it’s a reminder to all of us to remember to be kind as we go throughout our day. Sometimes it’s so easy to get busy and only think of ourselves. We need to take the time to display acts of kindness, especially in front of our children. They need to learn by example. It could be something as small as opening the door for someone else, letting them go first in the checkout line or doing something for a family member. Make it a part of your daily routine and your children will too.

Teaching Children Gratitude acts of kindness

Show Thanks through Good Manners and Recognize Them in Your Family. Sometimes when we’re at home with only our family, manners just  seem to fly out the window. We should teach our children some formal manners so they don’t act like animals while dining at a restaurant or attending anything in public. They need to also be taught to say “please” and “thank you” to their siblings and parents. You can be an example by expressing your thanks and gratitude to your spouse and children daily.

Thankful placemats

What are some other ways you have taught your children about gratitude?

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Teaching Children Gratitude

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{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Lisa November 18, 2009, 1:15 pm

    This post is awesome. I’ve been trying to brainstorm about these sorts of ideas for awhile and came up BLANK. This is so helpful!

    Congrats on your son’s basic training graduation. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

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