Peek Through Last Week (August 29-September4)

Sunday- I’ve been married for 30 years and have 8 kids, but I am still the only one who knows how to change a roll of toilet paper.

Monday- Making frozen bananas has been on our Summer fun list and we finally got around to making them. The kids loved them especially thick chocolate coating the banana. The kids and hubby all had candy sprinkles on theirs and I had nuts on mine. So yummy!  

Tuesday- I don’t feel like I can go Visiting Teaching without taking a gift. I don’t know why, but I feel if I’m going into someone’s home I need to bring them something. Especially if it’s the last day of the month. Shame on me. My goal is to go before the 15th this month.

Wednesday- I promised the boys we’d go to the Zoo today. Parker came with us and Whitney and Maddux met us there. It was perfect weather for a day at the Zoo. Because it was a little cooler, the animals were a lot more active. They were so much more fun to watch. We rode the train and the carousel and got an ice cream cone right before we had to leave. Parker’s favorite animal was the buffalo (bison). Zach and Ammon loved watching the tigers play in the water, with the ball. Since we have a year pass we’ll probably try to go once a month.

Thursday- Ammon’s been wanting to go to the Hill Aerospace Museum. We haven’t gone for a few years and since it’s free how could I say no. Parker came with us again, but I don’t think he was excited about it as he was the zoo. First, we looked at all the planes outside, then we went inside and looked at more planes and watched a few videos. We looked around in the gift shop for a few minutes then I promised the boys if we could get out of there I’d stop at the gas station on the way home and buy them a small treat. Yep, it works everytime. 

Friday- The High School was having a home football game. I was in the house and kept hearing a man’s voice. It sounded like he was right outside my window talking, but I couldn’t see anyone. Finally I went outside to listen and figured out what the sound was. It was the voice of the announcer at the football game. I could even understand some of the words he was saying. It is nice to have the High School that close, but it’s weird to be able to hear some of their announcements during school and games. And I don’t have to buy Amanda a car or drive her to school, so that’s a bonus.

Saturday- I’ve been wanting to see the Lion King for 4 years. I’m so glad we bought the tickets before hubby’s pay decrease or we wouldn’t have been able to go. It was amazing. I loved every minute of it. I wouldn’t have dreamed up how they did some of the special effects or the animals. The acting was perfect, the singing and dancing was amazing, the stage was beautiful and the effects were incredible. It was a wonderful 3 hours and I love being able to get dressed up to go some place other than church. Not that I don’t like church, but I like putting on a dress and heels at other times too.  

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Angie @ The Country Chic Cottage September 7, 2010, 7:01 am

    Ditto on the toilet paper..sigh…

  • Chantel September 7, 2010, 9:26 am

    Looks like you had a wonderful week! I want to see the Lion King very badly. It looks wonderful!

    Those chocolate covered bananas look wonderful too 🙂

  • Jessa (Holiday-Haven) September 7, 2010, 11:00 am

    I actually took the roll and holder out into the livingroom and did a demo… made them laugh, but I am still changing the roll…

  • Jenny September 7, 2010, 1:09 pm

    Sigh….The toilet paper situation is the same here..They would take out a new roll and put it on top of it…however inconvenient that might be…

  • ErinK September 9, 2010, 6:29 pm

    LMAO! I actually went to Lowe’s and bought the toilet paper holders that the roll just slides on and off of…My husband no longer leaves it empty or sitting on top! Every once in a while my 1 year old gets it but it was worth the $8 a piece!

  • Jennifer September 13, 2010, 6:40 am

    These toilet paper holders will change. your. life.

    We built a house last year and my sister suggested getting them. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old and they both change the TP! AND the best of all, my 35 year old husband changes it too!

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