Peek Through Last Week (March 21-28)

Sunday- Just a typical lazy Sunday. After attending church we ate a light lunch and watched movies together as a family. Here’s Ammon and Daddy just chillin’. Ammon usually takes his shirt off after Church. I guess he hadn’t got to that point yet.

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Monday- This is one awesome and amazing machine. I want to try new things and expand my use if it. I’ve done some vinyl, next I’d like to try fabric. Whitney and Traci love it too and have a request list ready. I’ll make some home decor projects in the next couple of weeks.

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Tuesday- My toothless little man. Ammon lost a bottom tooth on Sunday and a top one today. He’s always so excited when he finds another one of his teeth are loose. He’s losing them pretty fast. I guess we’ll be able to find out sooner rather than later if he’ll need braces.

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Wednesday- We took the Young Women to the Ogden Mission to serve dinner to the homeless in that area. It was a great experience for them. I think they truly realized how blessed they are to live in the homes they do and have all the material possessions they have. Since it was our first time serving there, we took a tour of the facilities. It’s modest, but they help them with the necessities like food, shelter and clothing. I found it interesting that they totally rely on the community for donations of all kinds, but they also give back to the community. If someone comes in with a need, like diapers or formula, they will supply them with what they need. The girls want to make something for the kids for their birthdays. We’ll be working on that project this year. I hope they realize the importance of serving and continue to seek opportunities. 

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Thursday- Hubby left for Canada early this morning. He’s going to our oldest, Traci, to visit with her family and be there for Sebastien’s blessing. I was able to visit them last month when Sebastien was born. I miss them and I miss Hubby already.

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Friday- Why is it snowing? I’m so ready for Spring. I’m really done with snow. I want to be out in the yard working and digging in the dirt. I can’t even till the garden area. The dirt’s still too wet. I snapped this picture of the house across the street so you could see the snow coming down. I love my neighbor’s old house and beautiful yard.

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Saturday- Ammon’s first soccer game this Spring. How did he forget everything about soccer just since last October? Looks like we need to do some practicing in the back yard. It looks warm outside, but it wasn’t. He’s the tall one in the front, in blue and red. It looks like he’s elbowing the other boy, but he’s not. I promise!

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I’ve still been sick and I can’t wait for Hubby to come home. Yeah, tomorrow night!


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