Peek Through Last Week (November 6-12)

Ammon has been on a kick of making things out of popsicle sticks lately. Do you remember doing that as a kid? He made a few buildings and then used them to write his name on the kitchen rug.

I wish my hands could be scratch free for a few days. It seems like I get a scratch or burn every time I work on a project. We’ve been working on my craft room. I was using a wire brush to clean up the cracks in the concrete and my hands got pretty bloody in the process.

That’s me with Grace Bonney and Amy Azzarito of Design*Sponge. It was so fun to meet Grace and receive a signed copy of the new Design Sponge book. I have admired her eye for design for years. We were able to work on a little craft project before we took time to mingle and get our books signed. I show you the craft project later this week. Because I was a little late, Grace came over and explained everything to me to get me up to speed. She is so nice and it was such a pleasure meeting her.

Ammon and Emilee have strep. I hate this time of year and all the sicknesses that start getting passed around. I’m hoping it doesn’t go through the whole family but Doug is sick now. At least once they have the medicine they feel better pretty quickly.

I was able to spend most of the day window shopping and eating with a lot of awesome bloggers. We spent the day at The Shops at Riverwoods. I have a ton of things to share with you this next week about my experiences. My kids would love to spend time playing in Blickenstaff’s.

I hope you had a great week. What are your plans for this next week?

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